Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend 3 Has Come and Gone

This weekend we had the pleasure of meeting David Magone. This guy is a MAGICAL human being. If you live in Boston. LUCKY YOU. 

David Magone

It was nice to be reunited with all my fellow classmates once again. We are all really developing a friendship because of our chosen yoga journey. 

Over the weekend we practiced a few different types of meditations. We dug deeper into his PranaVayu System of skeletal alignment. This was required reading prior to his arrival. The entire class seemed to have done their homework because every time he would ask us a question we would blurt out in unison. Our teachers in the back of the room both looked at one another and smiled. That made me happy.

On Friday evening, David led us through one of his class sequences (60 mins. of toughness). Woah man. It didn't take long for the sweat to hit the mat. He gave very clear cues and flow to the class. His assists were smooth without being intrusive or forceful. When it came down to finally arriving at shavasana he has a very unique way of having you bring awareness to certain body parts. He basically took you on trip from your upper lip to your elbow to your right ear and so on. Deep. I absorbed a lot from David, he has some great cues, comments and insights. 

He also had these cool Tibetan Prayer Chimes
I need to get a pair so I can be cool too!

He would use them to start and end our meditations, get the attention of the class when it was time to regroup from practicing. They were really neat. I wish I could get a set for all my classmates but sadly I have yet to win the lottery. 

Overall it was another challenging weekend with many highs, lows and neutrals. I learned a lot and I am thankful for this opportunity to learn and apply.

Our homework is interesting as well. We have quite a bit of reading to do in addition to teaching, meeting up with one another and interviewing each other to write a bio about our classmate. David made an interesting point. It's easier to write about someone else than it is for yourself.

In other news, I have been working on my music play lists. I think it is a critical component for class. I also take pride in being a great DJ. So I feel like I have to represent and inject some life with the music I select for my future students. It's my duty!

Well the time has come for me to return to work. Thanks for reading about my adventures. I truly appreciate your support. 

Ahhhh I have so much to do. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Much shanti, 

If you have interest in learning more about the alignment system and meditations you can go here:

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