Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekend #2 is in the history books!

FULL DISCLOSURE: This weekend kicked my ass. 

So I've decided to create a countdown clock to keep me focused.

168 days to go! 

Friday evening was 3 hrs. of inversions. Followed by having to return to work to get some very important stuff done. Didn't get to bed until 2AM. Saturday and Sunday consisted of 7 hours of back bends and hip & hamstring openers. Along with 7 more hours of anatomy. Anatomy is now complete. Thank goodness we got an extra hour this weekend. We have enough knowledge to start and finish a class. Give or take a few closing postures. I can't even begin to tell you how relieved I am that 9PM finally came on Sunday. My body is soooooo tired. Overall though, I feel like I absorbed a lot. I'm still very intimidated by it all and I'm hoping that it will click eventually. Now onto to homework. I have reading. I have to teach twice a week and I have to study the sanskrit posture names ASAP. Along with a minimum of two yoga classes a week. I'm off to study and do some exhale chill yoga! 

Much Shanti! 

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