Monday, December 23, 2013

We meet again yoga weekend.....

Friends...weekend 4 was as expected...tough. I'm happy to have survived it. The challenges continued to present themselves.

This yoga weekend was all about sequencing. I was really looking forward to this weekend because of the topic. It's one of the aspects of yoga that I really enjoy most. The art of never knowing what is coming. My guru, Pam Reece, is always so creative with switching things up.

I knew this weekend would be tough not only because of Isaac coming to teach and make us really sore. But because it was also my birthday week.

Two of my lovely yoga classmates brought me birthday treats. It was so incredibly kind and thoughtful. I was so touched. I'm really glad to be making some nice friends.

We listened and we practiced. We were broken up into 4 groups with 4 people in each group. Then the assignment came and subsequent freak out. It was quite funny how some became so panicked. I felt like saying chill yoga peeps C H I L L. 

I landed in group 2 and in 3rd spot. 

Our group was assigned various arm balances and we each had to fill 20 mins. 
1. Warm up and build up to Crow - Bakasana
2. Heating and Crow to Tripod Headstand
3. Prep for Side Crow and Flying Crow (DIFFICULT)
4.Cool down to Savasana

I was so wiped Friday evening. I don't recall much other than being fueled with the desire to be a creative sequencer now that I had been given the opportunity. I took a shower and went to bed.


I woke up with my mind racing at 7AM, I had to sequence! How would I sequence? How should I sequence? I quickly developed my class with build up to side crow and flying crow. Then my fiance read it out loud while I did it and we timed it.

I had to bring my birthday cookies in to share with my yoga friends because I had way too many! 

We got our butts kicked by Isaac and then Group 1 proceeded to kick our butts. 

Group 1 had Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. They were actually very fortunate to go first. The luxury of being vulnerable if you will. The freedom to just take a stab at whatever they liked. This was going to be interesting. They killed us for an hour, received their feedback and praise and then repeated with a shorter session. Then we got to break for lunch. It was a glorious thirty minutes. My ham sandwich was devine. We were starved.

Then my group was on deck.
We ended up closing the evening after our first round and were sent home early. We were elated!
I don't feel like I bombed miserably, but I was unexpectedly cut short because #4 had to leave early for a wedding. So we would get to repeat again on Sunday morning.

My right hamstring began to bother me. NOT GOOD.


Our bodies were beat. B E A T (just for emphasis).  

Group 2 repeated and I changed up my sequence and still ran over 20 mins. I screwed up on the right and left sides, but quickly realized my error and made the correction. It's so intimidating speaking in front of a room, even when they know you.

The remainder of the day consisted of staring at the clock willing it to keep ticking away.

Just because my body was done.

All 4 groups finished and we sat in a circle and held hands. We closed out the weekend with a nice loud om.

Bonus: No homework

Thank you for reading. 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

Much Shanti, 

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