Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Yoga Weekend #2 is approaching!

Since completing the first weekend of Yoga Teacher Training "YTT" I have been diligently practicing my meditation, breathing, attending classes and doing my homework. I'm not quite finished with my reading but will aim to complete that tonight. I would like that to remain fresh in my mind. 

My weight loss has been maintained and strength is returning to every inch of my body. 

It's actually quite impressive how regular practice really transforms the body and mind.  

I came across this article and picture today and thought I would share. 


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I survived the first weekend!

So Friday, Saturday and Sunday came and went. I couldn't be sorer. This is the reason why I am now typing on Tuesday evening. 

Friday was a nice introduction to the program schedule, syllabus and group. I honestly don't remember much more than that. The 3 hours on Friday went by quickly. 

Saturday was a different story. I woke up early to take advantage of the limited time I had. My man and I went to one of our favorite breakfast spots and spent some quality time together. 

Then 12:30 arrived and I was seated in my favorite corner of the room. For 3.5 hours we were introduced to a meditation practice, sun salutation A and pre sun movements. We practiced it, took notes and then alternated in teaching each other. It was both nerve racking and fun. It was quite remarkable when giving my first cue. Someone actually moved! You have to teach as though you are leading a blind person through a class. After getting through the 3.5 hours we were given a 30 min. lunch break. 

On to anatomy. We started with an overview of what she planned to cover. Axial skeleton here we come! We all took tons of notes and fortunately we weren't quizzed following the first 3.5 hours of anatomy. Saturday was the first full day and I really felt it. 

Sunday I felt like I had to treasure the morning hours once again. But sadly nothing is really open on Sunday morning. Perhaps I will just do laundry on these mornings. 

Sunday consisted of an opening meditation and review of what we learned the day before. We then moved on to sun salutation B and standing poses. We took notes and then hit the mat with our partners to guide them through the new movements. I really couldn't wait until anatomy. 

Break time arrived and I ran home because I missed my man and Munch. I quickly inhaled my lunch and hugged everyone I could and rushed back to class for anatomy. 

In anatomy we finished covering the axial skeleton. We covered the skeletal system, muscles, respiration and the nervous system. Quiz time! We were broken up into groups and each group was assigned a asana or posture. We needed to identify what muscle group was active and in what movement for both the back and neck. Our group did well and quickly identified the answers. We then chit chatted and got to know one another a little better. Then we all had to present our findings in front of the class. After that we were assigned our homework and sent on our way to enjoy our Sunday evening. 

My lovely man had dinner ready and waiting for me upon arrival. 

Overall it was a challenging and fulfilling weekend. It's really going to be an interesting journey. 

Much shanti to you! 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Today is the day...

Yoga Teacher Training Day is here! 

Some updates since my last post. My colleague can no longer join the program. So that was a bummer, but I will still share my journey with her. So I'm back to the unknown about this journey. I guess it is best that way. 

4 hours till class begins! 
